With Larry Matheny
Some hands are won
by good declarer play or strong defense.
Others are won by good bidding.
This N/S pair had just the right conventions to find a grand slam missed
my most other pairs.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North’s jump in diamonds was a Splinter bid
showing 10-12 high card points, 4+spades, and diamond shortness. South’s 4NT asked about keycards (4 aces +
king of spades) and North admitted to holding two. 5NT asked about kings and North showed the
king of clubs. South confidently bid the
grand slam.
Play: West
led the three of spades that South won in his hand. Declarer only had to ruff one diamond low in
dummy and two diamonds with the ace and king of trumps for his 13 tricks. Most N/S pairs stopped in game or a small
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny