With Larry Matheny
The auction is
often your guide to the suit in which you will win tricks. However, as this hand demonstrates, it’s good
to have a plan B.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: Sitting South in a pairs game, my partner
invited game by jumping in clubs. I
visualized five club tricks and bid 3NT.
Play: West
led the six of spades and I was disappointed by dummy’s club holding. But, I realized her bid did describe her
hand. I stopped to analyze the hand and
with only six sure tricks, it was clear I was going to need some luck. I could hope for 4-4 spades and a very
favorable club position, or I could hold up in spades and hope the ace of clubs
and king of diamonds were in the East hand.
I finally chose the second option and won the third spade pitching two
clubs from dummy. Next I went to dummy
with a heart and led a low club. It was
clear I was going down if West held the ace so I played the king and was
delighted when it held. Now it was back
to dummy with a heart, followed by the other two hearts, and then the jack of
diamonds. When that finesse also won I
had my nine tricks: 1 spade, 4 hearts, 3 diamonds, and 1 club.
So on a hand where I expected to take five or
more club tricks, I took only one but still succeeded.
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny