With Larry Matheny
Strong hands are
often difficult to bid. You want to
describe your hand to your partner, but sometimes you just have to bid what you
hope you can make.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
Bidding: I
was in the South chair and after my partner showed some values, I bid 3NT. Partner considered 4H but finally decided my
bid might be based on a long running suit.
Play: West
led the seven of diamonds to his partner’s king. East shifted to the ten of spades and I
covered with the jack. West won the
queen followed by his last diamond. East
won the ace and exited with a heart. I
won the ace and saw I had only eight tricks: 1 spade, 2 hearts, 2 diamonds, and
3 clubs. Since any extra trick would
have to come from spades, I decided to make West do some discarding. I cashed my red suit and club winners and
West erred by discarding a club along with a spade. Here was the 3-card ending:
I led the nine of
spades and West won the king but his forced spade return promoted my seven to
the game-going trick. At the other
table, the same contract was defeated with stronger defense. It appears 4H is a better contract. There are four losers but West can never get
in to cash a spade winner. However,
three rounds of diamonds will promote the ten of hearts as the 4th
trick for the defense.
Copyright ©2013 Larry Matheny