With Larry Matheny
When investigating
slam potential, the usual tools are Blackwood (regular or Roman) and cue
bids. The old style of cue bidding
showed the ace when the suit was first bid.
The more popular Italian cue bidding shows first or second round
control, either shortness or strength.
It is best to show an honor and not shortness when you cue a suit in
which partner has made a 2/1 bid. The
Serious 3NT convention is also helpful to show a hand that has extra
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
*Serious 3NT |
Bidding: The
auction was standard until the 3NT bid.
N/S had agreed on spades and were never going to play 3NT, so this was
an artificial bid showing extra values.
North cue bid clubs and South’s heart cue bid showed an honor and denied
a diamond control since he bypassed that suit.
With a diamond control and knowing South held the king of hearts, North
used Roman Blackwood (4 aces + spade king) to discover they were missing one
keycard and signed off in the small slam.
Play: West
led the nine of diamonds to his partner’s king and South had no problems
collecting the rest of the tricks.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny