With Larry Matheny
You usually need to
be in the best contract for a good result but sometimes you can win with good
declarer play.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
Bidding: North
was hoping to punish a club contract if his partner would reopen with a takeout
double but South jumped to game in hearts.
North finally decided to pass.
Play: West
led the ace of clubs ruffed by declarer.
Next, declarer played the top two hearts and was pleased to see the suit
behave. Now he looked for overtricks. First, he checked the diamond suit by playing
the ace followed by a low one to dummy’s king.
Seeing this suit was not a source of extra tricks, he realized West very
likely held the king of spades for his overcall along with the king of
clubs. This meant a squeeze was
likely. He ruffed a diamond back to his
hand followed by a spade to dummy’s jack.
Now he ruffed a club to his hand and ran the rest of his hearts. Here was the end position with one heart left
to play:
When the heart was
led, poor West was toast. N/S missed the
slam but making all 13 tricks was a near top.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny