With Larry Matheny
It’s not always
clear whether it is best to compete or to pass.
This hand illustrates that problem.
Bidding: North
would have been better off if he passed East’s opening bid but he made a
balancing double and South jumped in hearts to end the auction.
Play: West
led his singleton club to his partner’s king.
East cashed the ace of clubs and then shifted to his singleton
diamond. Declarer won the queen in dummy
and led a low trump. East rose with the
heart ace and gave his partner a club ruff.
West returned a diamond for East to ruff and then East played a fourth
club. West ruffed with the queen and
gave East another diamond ruff.
East-West earned
+200 which was worth more than the partscore in spades bid at several
tables. Poor North kept mumbling “I
should have passed.”
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny