With Larry Matheny
When plan A doesn’t
work, it’s good to have a backup.
Playing this slam, I took a
finesse that lost but I had a second plan to fall back on.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
*limit raise |
Bidding: I
held this great South hand in a Swiss team event against strong opponents. My partner in the North chair jumped in
diamonds to show a 4+ card spade raise with invitational (10-12) strength. Rather than give away information, I bid the
Play: West
led a low trump. I saw an almost certain
diamond loser so it appeared I needed to find the king of hearts in the East
hand. I won opening lead in my hand
followed by another spade to dummy.
Next, I led the queen of hearts losing to West. He exited with a heart and my chances seemed
slim. It appeared the only possible
winning position was to find West with
length diamonds and the king of clubs.
So I played the ace of clubs and here is the end position when I played
my last spade:
K98 Q
2 A53
Poor West had to
discard a diamond or a club and I had my slam.
At the other table they bid and made the slam executing the same
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny