with Larry Matheny
It is difficult to
bid minor suit slams. There is a natural
reluctance to move past 3NT and possibly end in a poor scoring minor suit game
contract if slam is not reached. This
N/S pair used a nice tool to help them reach a grand slam in diamonds.
Scoring: Matchpoints
*short hearts |
Bidding: North’s
jump to 3
showed heart shortness and either 4-1-4-4 or 3-1-5-4 distribution. Steered away from 3NT, South showed his
diamond suit and North moved toward slam by using the Roman Keycard
convention. South showed two keycards
plus the queen of diamonds. When North
asked about kings, South admitted to holding two and North bid the grand slam.
Play: West
led the four of spades and after finding a 3-2 break in the trump suit,
declarer soon claimed all 13 tricks.
Most N/S pairs were in 6NT making an overtrick when the club suit
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny