with Larry Matheny
The 1NT overcall
may be the most dangerous bid in bridge.
It is easy to double and often there is no place to run. The vulnerability is also a factor often
Scoring: Matchpoints
Bidding: After
East opened the bidding, South counted his points and overcalled 1NT which West
promptly doubled. North should have
bailed out to spades or used some Stayman bid to find the heart fit, but for
reasons unknown decided to pass. Of
course with this vulnerability there was no safe place to run.
Play: West
led the deuce of clubs and the rout began.
South won the third round and, perhaps in panic mode, led a low
spade. West won the queen and continued
with the nine of hearts showing no high honor in that suit. East won the ace and cashed the rest of the
clubs. After the clubs, East led a low
diamond and the massacre was completed.
The defense captured 1 spade, 1 heart, 4 diamonds, and 5 clubs for a
score of +1400.
At most other tables, South made a takeout
double of the opening bid and E/W reached a routine 3NT. Some lessons have to be learned the hard way.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny