with Larry Matheny
There are bidding
convention and agreements used to get you to the proper contract and there are
those that keep you from getting too high.
Here is an example.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Bidding: South’s
opening bid showed either 22+ high card points in a balanced hand or 9+ tricks
in an unbalanced hand. North’s 2
response was a waiting bid. Next, South
jumped to 3
to set the trump suit and ask North to show any ace. Lacking an ace, North bid 3NT which said “I
have one or more kings but no aces.”
With no ace or king, North would have bid 4
. Knowing they were missing two aces, South
signed off in game.
Play: West
led the ace of clubs and then shifted to the eight of spades. East captured two spade tricks and led a
third round. Declarer ruffed high, drew
trumps, and claimed ten tricks. Several
N/S pairs were defeated when they made it to the five or even six level. It’s nice to have tools that prevent you from
getting too high.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny