with Larry Matheny
While many hands
are difficult to defend, often a little more thought will help solve the
problem. In this hand, the defender
played too quickly and declarer was the victor.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Bidding: North-South
reached a routine game contract.
Play: West
led the four of clubs to East’s ten.
East knew declarer must hold most of the missing honor cards so he felt
his only chance for a fourth trick was to promote a trump trick. He continued at trick two with the ace of
clubs and then led a third round. But,
declarer simply discarded his diamond loser and West ruffed. It was now easy for declarer to win any
return and draw trumps.
East must cash the
ace of diamonds before leading the third round of clubs. Declarer had no answer to this and the ten of
spades became the setting trick.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny