with Larry Matheny
Hands with wild
distribution don’t always lend themselves to scientific bidding. Sometimes you just have to take a stab at
the right bid.
Scoring: Matchpoints
loved my hand with 7-6 distribution and started the auction by bidding 1. West overcalled and my partner sitting North
surprised me with a preemptive spade raise.
Knowing there were 4+ spades in his hand, I jumped to the slam hoping
for a favorable diamond layout.
PLAY: West led the ace of
hearts that I ruffed. I drew trumps
followed by the queen of diamonds from dummy.
West won the king but I had the rest.
Unfortunately, several N/S pairs
were doubled in slam so my +980 did not score as high as I hoped. Perhaps a slower sequence would have prompted
a double.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny