with Larry Matheny
Defense can be very
difficult and if you lose your concentration for even a moment, a crafty
opponent will take advantage.
Scoring: Matchpoints
After two passes East applied maximum pressure with a three-level
preemptive bid. South made a takeout
double that left North with a difficult decision. He finally took an aggressive view and jumped
to 4NT asking South to pick a minor.
PLAY: Declarer trumped
the second spade and soon realized he had two heart losers. He saw a possibility if either opponent held
a doubleton heart honor. Accordingly, he
led a diamond to dummy followed by a low heart.
East played low and declarer won the ace. Next, declarer drew trumps followed by three
rounds of clubs. Declarer then exited with a heart. East won the king but had to lead a spade
allowing declarer to ruff in his hand and discard dummy’s last heart.
It was difficult
for East to see the end play coming but it would not cost to play the king when
a heart was led from dummy. But give
credit to declarer because if he had waited until the end game to play ace and
a low heart, East may have been alert enough to drop the king under the
ace. After all, if declarer held the AQ
of hearts he could have simply finessed.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny