with Larry Matheny
I feel experienced
players should not only provide encouragement for new players, they should also
take the opportunity to play with them.
Of course there can be tense moments when you’re not sure if your new
partner has the same understanding.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Playing with an inexperienced partner I opened a standard 1NT in the
East chair. My left hand opponent
thought for a moment and then bid 2. My partner and right hand opponent passed and
I inquired to confirm 2
was a natural bid. It seemed wrong to
pass, but if I reopened with a double, I wasn’t sure my novice partner would
recognize it as a takeout bid. I chanced
it and after West passed, my partner bid 3
. I was delighted to pass this and South closed
the auction with a 3
PLAY: It is usually wrong
to allow the opponents to play at the two-level when they have a fit and this
hand was no exception. We took two
hearts, one diamond, and two clubs to defeat the contract by one trick. We would have made 3
losing only four tricks so South made the right decision. Those who allowed N/S to play 2
received a poor matchpoint score.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny