with Larry Matheny
There are so many
card combinations it is impossible to recognize every one. However, it does pay to stop and think before
Scoring: Matchpoints
North cue bid spades to show a limit raise or better in support of
hearts. South held a minimum hand that
included a possible worthless queen of spades so he declined the game try.
Play: West led the top three spades with
declarer ruffing the third one. Declarer
saw a possible loser in diamonds and two in clubs. To make his contract declarer planned an
elimination play. He drew trumps
followed by a low club to dummy’s queen.
Next he led a low club ducked to West’s jack. West cashed the ace of clubs but realized he
had to lead a diamond or give declarer a ruff/sluff. Without enough thought West led the three of
diamonds that picked up East’s jack and was won by declarer. Now declarer led a diamond to the ten and
wrapped up his contract losing only two spades and two clubs.
A more thoughtful West
would have shifted to the queen of diamonds instead of the three. Declarer has no answer to this and must lose
a diamond trick. It all came down to the
location of the nine of diamonds.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny