with Larry Matheny
There is no doubt
bridge requires some mathematical ability, but it often involves no more than
counting to thirteen.
Scoring: Matchpoints
South thought his hand was too strong for a weak-2 bid so he opened 1. North made a game forcing 2
response and the auction quickly accelerated.
South admitted to holding one keycard (king of spades) and North signed
off at the five-level.
Play: I was in the West chair and led the
ace of clubs. It was clear to me that if
declarer held four hearts, my partner had only one. At trick two I led the nine of hearts to
dummy’s king. A spade was led and I won
the ace and gave partner a heart ruff to defeat the contract. All it took was some simple math.
Speaking of math, as I
left the table I saw that North was mentally counting the high card points in
his partner’s hand and just shook his head.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny