with Larry Matheny
Matchpoint bridge
is all about maximizing your plus scores and minimizing your minus scores. That means overtricks are extremely
important. In this hand, declarer read
the opponents’ cards correctly and was rewarded with three extra tricks.
Scoring: Matchpoints
South decided the vulnerability suggested game would be more valuable
than defending a club contract. North’s
heart rebid kept East from showing his second suit.
Play: West led the three of clubs won by
dummy’s ace. Declarer saw the contract
was safe so he went after overtricks. He
led a diamond to his hand followed by the jack of spades. West covered with the king and declarer won
the ace as East discarded a high heart.
Declarer returned to his hand with a diamond, led another spade to
dummy’s nine, and then cashed the spade queen.
Next, he led the queen of diamonds overtaking with the ace. Here was the 3-card ending after the last
diamond was played:
H- A
C- Q10
Declarer simply exited
with his heart and East had to return a club so South had 12 tricks for a good
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny