with Larry Matheny
You need a reason
to bid in this game. You objective might
be to buy the contract, direct an opening lead from partner, or to simply
disrupt the opponents. What you don’t
want to do is to make a bid that accomplishes nothing but delivering
information to your opponents.
Scoring: Matchpoints
was in the South chair and liked my hand when partner opened 1. After partner raised my spade suit I might
have considered a try for game if West had not made a takeout double showing
hearts and diamonds. Her bid alerted me
to the fact that my heart honors were very likely poorly placed so I passed.
Play: West led the three of spades and
that took care of my trump problem. It
still left me with five other possible losers: 2 hearts, 1 diamond, and 2 clubs. I drew the last trumps as East pitched a
heart. I tried to keep the lead away
from East by playing ace and another diamond but East won and switched to a
heart. I lost the five tricks I had
indentified early and made my contract.
Would I have made a
game try and got too high if West had not intervened? We will never know.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny