with Larry Matheny
This hand presented
declarer with an opportunity to guess which opponent held the queen of
hearts. But, a strong declarer will
finesse only as a last resort so he looked for another solution.
Scoring: Matchpoints
East considered bidding 4
but the adverse vulnerability kept him at the three-level. South showed a good hand by entering the
auction at the four-level and North raised to game.
Play: West led the six of spades and
declarer stopped to count his possible losers.
That count came to three: one heart and two diamonds. It appeared he needed the king of diamonds to
be in the West hand or he had to find the queen of hearts. However, declarer saw the contract was safe
no matter where those honor cards were.
He drew trumps, ruffed dummy’s last spade in his hand, and then played
ace and another diamond. The defenders
could cash a second diamond trick but then must lead a heart or concede a
Another guess
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny