with Larry Matheny
When declaring a
hand, entries to your hand and dummy can be extremely valuable. In this hand the opponents gave the declarer
some help.
Scoring: Matchpoints
was in the South chair and considered opening but I finally decided my hand
consisted of too many “quacks.” My
partner did open in fourth chair and we arrived at a heart partscore.
Play: West led the deuce of hearts and I
stopped to analyze the hand. I would
like to establish the club suit but the ace of hearts appeared to be my only
entry to dummy. However, since the
opponents were leading trumps, another entry might be possible. I ducked in dummy and unblocked my nine of
hearts under East’s king. He continued
with a low heart and I followed with the trey.
No matter which heart West played I now had a second entry to
dummy. I won his ten with the ace and
continued by playing the king of clubs.
I discarded a diamond and West won the ace. West shifted to a low diamond but I won the
ace and led my heart seven to dummy’s eight and was able to discard two more
diamonds on the high clubs. I then
conceded the two top spades and had nine tricks for a good result.
Note that without
unblocking the nine at trick one, the opponents could prevent a second entry to
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny