with Larry Matheny
Overtricks are very
important in a pairs event. Sometimes
you can be sure of the location of the missing high cards but other times you
must rely on your “table feel.”
Scoring: Matchpoints
was sitting South and my jump to 2NT showed a balanced hand with 18-19 high
card points. My partner bid game.
Play: West led the six of spades and I won
with the jack in dummy. I continued with
a low heart to my king. Next I played a
club to dummy’s queen followed by a second heart. East rose with the ace and continued with the
jack of hearts to my queen. I then
played the king of clubs and was delighted to see the jack fall. I cashed the ace and king of spades
discarding a diamond from dummy as East discarded the jack of diamonds on the
last spade. I led my last club to
dummy’s ace and then played the ten of clubs discarding a low diamond. East was laboring over his discards so I was
confident he held the king of diamonds.
Here was the 3-card ending with the lead in dummy:
I led the six of hearts and discarded the spade from my hand. East had to lead away from his king of
diamonds for my eleventh trick.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny