with Larry Matheny
A good declarer
will avoid unnecessary finesses and will also try to make the opponents lead a
suit for him.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
South didn’t like making a two-level overcall on a five-card suit but
felt it was his best choice. North
jumped to game to close the auction.
Play: West led the six of spades, East
followed with the eight, and declarer won the king. Declarer saw he had a spade to lose along
with four other possible losers: the king of hearts and three clubs. At trick two, declarer played the ace of
diamonds and then trumped a diamond in dummy.
The queen of hearts found the king on side so declarer now only had to
worry about the club suit. He saw the
answer…he ruffed his last diamond in dummy followed by a heart to the jack
drawing the last trump. Next he led a
low spade to dummy’s seven and East was end-played. A spade return would establish a trick for
declarer and if he instead led a club, declarer would win the third round.
Those declarers who
played clubs themselves hoping East held both top honors were disappointed.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny