with Larry Matheny
When searching for
a suit contract it is considered desirable to settle in a trump suit containing
(at least) eight cards. However, there
are times when you must make do with only seven.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
The bidding was routine until North’s spade raise. Most bridge books say it is wrong to raise
partner’s second bid suit without 4-card support. That is, unless you have already denied
holding four cards in the suit. If North
was in possession of four spades, he would have made a negative double over the
heart overcall. So South expected only
3-card support and tried for the spade game with only seven trumps.
Play: West led the top two hearts and then
switched to a diamond. Declarer won the
king and led a spade to the queen. When
this held the trick, he continued with a low spade won by West. The diamond continuation was won with the ace
followed by the ace of spades. When the
suit divided 3-3, the game was made.
At the other table N/S
reached a game contract in clubs and lost the obvious three tricks.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny