with Larry Matheny
The preemptive bid
is a two-edged sword; sometimes it works and sometimes you push the opponents
into the winning contract.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
The auction accelerated quickly after South’s opening bid. East raised his partner’s preempt and South
made a forcing pass showing a balanced hand.
North bid 4NT showing two places to land and South bid his lowest
suit. North was happy to pass.
Play: West led the king of spades won by
the ace. Declarer drew trumps and was
soon able to claim eleven tricks, losing one diamond and one heart. At the other table E/W remained silent and
N/S was allowed to declare 3NT ending down two after a spade opening lead.
It’s difficult to
place too much blame but I’m sure there was some discussion when the results
were compared.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny