with Larry Matheny
When playing in a
team event you try to avoid going for a huge set and you certainly don’t want a
double-game swing. I watched this one
on-line and it was exciting.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
South started this wild ride by opening a preempt at the 4-level. North raised to game and then East got
involved. North chose not to defend and
carried on to 6
and East ended the auction with a double.
Play: West led the ten of diamonds and
declarer rose with the ace. It was now a
simple task to draw trumps and claim all thirteen tricks. At the other table East bought the contract
at 5. He lost only two tricks so this meant the
team was +1740 at one table and +650 at the other for a 20 IMP swing!
Whose fault was this
disaster? Should West have pulled the
double to 6? Should East not double? I suspect they are still discussing it.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny