with Larry Matheny
Everyone loves to
bid slams but it isn’t always an easy task.
To reach the ultimate contract, it often requires the necessary
conventions and agreements.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
*forcing |
rebid by South was a reverse showing extra values in either high cards or
distribution. Holding three aces North
was instantly thinking slam. He took a
(forcing) preference to opener’s first bid suit waiting to hear more from his
partner. South next rebid hearts to show
(at least) 5-6 distribution and North leaped to 4NT. This pair uses Roman Keycard Blackwood (4
aces + trump king) so South admitted to two keycards and the queen of diamonds. North’s 5NT asked about kings and also
confirmed the possession of all five keycards.
South had an easy bid of 7NT.
Play: West led a spades and declarer soon
claimed. It wouldn’t seem that difficult
to reach this grand slam but in a local game, 5 pairs stopped in game, 10 bid a
small slam, and only 1 bid seven. I
think playing 3
as forcing allowed the room to properly investigate.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny