with Larry Matheny
The half-full or
half-empty view of life can follow us to the bridge table. In this hand, I was the pessimist and my
partner was, shall we say, very optimistic.
Scoring: IMPs
BIDDING: I was sitting South and was not
excited when my partner cue bid hearts showing a two-suited hand with spades
and a minor. I indicated no interest by
just bidding 2
but my partner next cue bid hearts to say he had a very good hand. Since I had a fit with whichever minor he
held, I bid game. However, my partner
was not through and now he showed me that his minor suit was clubs. I hoped we weren’t too high as a I signed off
in 5
Play: West led a diamond and I quickly saw
I had the two major suit aces to lose and no entry to my hand. My only hope seemed to be a 2-2 spade
break. So I trumped the diamond in dummy
followed by the king of spades. West won
the ace and tapped dummy again with another diamond. I played the queen of spades and had my first
break when the suit divided 2-2. I
entered my hand with a spade to my nine and put the nine of clubs on the
table. The king came up on my left and I
won the ace. Next I led a club to my
jack followed by a low heart toward the king.
West won the ace and dummy was good.
Our score of +450 was
matched at the other table but I suspect they stopped at the 4-level.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny