with Larry Matheny
When defending a
hand, signals showing attitude or count take priority. However, there are situations where a suit
preference signal is clearly needed.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: This was a routine partscore
Play: West was reluctant to lead a low
club from this holding because in this auction, declarer frequently has
clubs. He considered a spade lead but
finally selected the king of clubs. When
the king held the trick it was clear his partner held the ace because declarer
would never duck with that card. If
partner started with three clubs there was no problem but what if he held only
two? To handle either case, at trick two
West led the ten of clubs. This was a
suit preference card showing an entry in spades. East won the ace and continued with the three
of spades. The defenders had no problem
cashing five clubs along with four spades for a great score.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny