with Larry Matheny
In a pairs game you
need to maximize your plus scores so overtricks are important. This hand provided declarer a safe and easy
way to find an extra trick.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: After first passing, North
showed a limit raise in hearts by using the Drury convention and South bid the
Play: West led a low spade to the king and
ace. East shifted to a low diamond won
with the ace in dummy. Declarer noted
the contract was not in danger as long as the trumps were not divided 4-0. At trick three, declarer played a heart to
his ace and after both followed, he looked for an overtrick. He cashed another high heart followed by the
top two clubs. Next he played the king
of spades and ruffed a spade. When that
suit divided 3-3, he ruffed his last club in dummy and discarded his diamond
loser on a good spade. He lost only one
spade and one heart.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny