with Larry Matheny
In a team game, the
state of your match may require you to take aggressive action. In this match I knew we were behind when this
hand came up.
Scoring: IMPs
BIDDING: I was sitting North with only
two hands left in the match. We had two
bad results and I estimated we were down around 10 IMPs. Since I knew we needed a good result, I was
excited when my partner opened the bidding.
I liked my hand even more when West bid diamonds. I cue bid diamonds showing a limit+ raise of
hearts and my partner jumped to game to show a sound opener. (It turns out he was also pushing a bit.) I leaped to the slam.
PLAY: West led a low heart and my partner stopped
to analyze the hand. The overcall
strongly suggested both black kings would be on-side and this would give him a
chance. He won the opening lead in his
hand and took the club finesse. After
the queen won, he followed with the ace and a third round of clubs. Both followed with West winning the
king. My partner won the heart return
and took the winning spade finesse. He
now only had to discard a spade on the ace of diamonds and score up the slam.
At the other table the
N/S pair stopped in game so we won 11 much needed IMPs and were now back in the
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny