with Larry Matheny
It’s bad enough
when your opponents make a doubled contract.
But it’s even worse when you are in a team game and your teammates also
go minus. Here is a deadly double game
Scoring: IMPs
BIDDING: After South opened the bidding,
West made a routine overcall and East jumped to 3NT. Taking advantage of the favorable
vulnerability, South competed to the four-level. For some strange reason, West made a penalty
double. He had no extras, no surprise
for South, and no reason to double.
PLAY: West led the ace of hearts and then shifted
to his singleton spade. Declarer won in
his hand and led a diamond. East won and
gave his partner a spade ruff. It was
now easy for declarer to ruff the heart return, ruff a diamond in dummy, take
the winning club finesse, and write +510 in his scorecard.
At the other table,
E/W played in 5
and lost only the two black aces. This
was worth +600 and combined with the +510 totaled +1110 and a 15 IMP
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny