with Larry Matheny
When a competitive auction reaches a
high level it’s not always clear who can make what. In this hand, I received less than best
defense and that allowed me to bring home the contract.
Scoring: IMPs (Teams)
BIDDING: I was in the South
chair at a sectional Swiss team game when this wild auction broke out. My partner first bid 2NT to show the minors
and later 4NT to insist that I choose one of them. West decided she did not have enough defense
so she bid hearts again. My partner was
not done and bid the slam. East doubled
to finish the auction.
PLAY: West made the killing lead of the jack of
clubs. Fortunately for me, after winning
the ace, East decided to smash dummy’s queen of spades with his king. That left me with two club entries to my
hand. I won the ace of spades and ruffed
a spade with a high club. Then I led the
four of clubs to my six drawing the last trump.
I cashed the jack of spades and was delighted to see the spades break 3-3. I discarded dummy’s three small diamonds on
my good spades and wrapped up the slam.
If East returns a club at trick two, I may go down. If East covers the queen of spades when it is
led, I still succeed but if he ducks, I will be an entry short.
This was a gain of 12 IMPs as the
N/S pair at the other table was allowed to play and make game in clubs.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny