with Larry Matheny
As declarer you
must manage your entries carefully. As a
defender you must make it as difficult as possible to prevent declarer from
moving effortlessly between his hand and dummy.
In this hand, a defender made it way too easy.
Scoring: IMPs
BIDDING: North-South reached a marginal
game but it was a team event and vulnerable games with any potential should be
PLAY: West led the seven of hearts
and East hesitated a moment before playing the jack. This convinced declarer that West had led
from Q87. Declarer noted one potential
loser in each suit. At trick two, East
cashed the ace of diamonds and after a discouraging card from West, exited with
a club. Declarer’s only chance was to
establish a heart for the discard of a club loser and, to accomplish this, he
needed three entries to dummy. So he
unblocked the queen of diamonds on the ace and won the club switch in
dummy. Next, he played the king of
hearts from dummy and ruffed East’s ace.
Now he led the king of spades won by East. East exited with his last club won in
dummy. Declarer now ruffed a heart and
the queen fell on his left. He simply
drew trumps and entered dummy with the jack of diamonds to discard his club
loser on the good nine of hearts.
East should have
realized the danger in the heart suit and prevented declarer from reaching
dummy with a diamond. At trick two he
should attack dummy’s entries by shifting to a club.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny