with Larry Matheny
One of the most
frequent mistakes made when declaring or defending is a hasty play to trick
one. It usually pays to develop a plan
before making your first decision. This
hand drives home that important point.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: After North made a cue bid to
show an invitational hand with heart support, South made a bold jump to game.
PLAY: West led the seven of diamonds
covered by the jack, queen, and ace.
Declarer drew trumps followed by a low spade from his hand. West hopped up with the ace and returned his
other diamond. East won the nine and
queen and quickly cashed the ace of clubs for down one. Declarer erred by winning the first
diamond. If instead he follows with a
low diamond from his hand, East has no good answer. He will probably play two rounds of clubs but
South will win, draw trumps, and then lead a spade toward dummy. West can duck or win the ace but this lucky
game will succeed.
Copyright ©2012 Larry Matheny