with Larry Matheny
The human brain is
amazing. Not only does it allow us to
memorize the correct card to lead from a particular suit combination, our brain
is also capable of mathematics. Here is
a hand where a defender found the right opening lead after some simple
Scoring: IMPs
BIDDING: N/S had a routine auction to
PLAY: As West pondered his opening
lead, he reflected on the auction. It
appeared N/S had at least the 26 high card points usually needed for game. Adding his points to this, it was clear that
East was broke. So while the text book
lead from this diamond holding is the queen, West started with the ace. After seeing dummy, West continued with a low
diamond and this left declarer with no chance for 9 tricks. Declarer tried the heart finesse but West won
and had 3 more diamonds to cash. At the
other table, West led the queen of diamonds and this declarer soon had his 9
tricks: 2 spades, 3 hearts, 2 diamonds, and 2 clubs.
This was a loss of 12
IMPs and the match. It pays to stop and
think…and perhaps do a little math.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny