with Larry Matheny
Some bridge players
like to bid aggressively while others are a bit more careful. We all know that preempts often work and
sometimes they don’t. Here is a hand
with very mixed results.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: After South opened 1NT, at one
table West made a bold bid of three hearts.
North followed with a negative double and South decided it was best to
defend. West joked that at least he wasn’t
vulnerable and poor East just sighed.
PLAY: North led a low spade and West
was held to four heart tricks and -1100 on the score card. It’s not always right to bid your seven-card
At another table,
South thought he should bid over the negative double and chose three
spades. This pair finally stopped at the
contract of five spades. Three rounds of
hearts from West established the jack of spades as a third defensive trick for
down one. Sometimes it works to bid your
seven-card suit.
Most West players
passed their seven-card suit and the N/S pairs stopped in 3NT.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny