with Larry Matheny
There is no doubt
opening leads can be difficult. There
are several rules to guide you such as the old standard “Lead 4th
down in your longest and strongest suit.”
However, there are hands where the auction is your best source of
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: North–South had a routine
auction to game.
PLAY: Since North-South made no
attempt to uncover a major suit fit, West felt a club lead might not be
best. Instead he led the six of spades
and soon there were four tricks for the defense. Declarer then claimed nine tricks and made
3NT. The reason this interesting is that
in a local 18-table game, this West was the only one to lead a spade. His score of -400 was top because everyone
other West led a club and those declarers easily claimed ten tricks for +430.
The rule the other
West players should have followed was “Listen to the Auction.”
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny