with Larry Matheny
The opening lead is
often very important. Sometimes you need
to be aggressive while other times you must select a safe lead. I wish I had chosen aggressive on this one.
Scoring: IMPs
(Team Game)
*RKC for spades |
BIDDING: This N/S pair routinely opens
1NT with a 5-card major. After the
Stayman sequence uncovered a spade fit, North jumped to four clubs to inquire
about keycards (4 aces + king of spades).
South admitted to two keycards without the queen of spades and North bid
the slam.
PLAY: I was in the West chair and
gave the opening lead a lot of thought.
I don’t mind leading away from a king if that seems best, but here I
thought the opponents were in a 4-4 spade fit with the suit breaking
badly. Therefore I made the passive lead
of the nine of diamonds. When South quickly
drew trumps and discarded hearts on the queen of clubs and the jack of
diamonds, I was very disappointed.
At the other table our
partners had a more sophisticated auction that uncovered the lack of a heart
control and they stopped in game. Unfortunately,
this eleven IMP loss cost us first place in the event.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny