with Larry Matheny
Too often the
auction is forgotten once the play of the hand has begun. I recently declared this hand and found the
bidding very helpful in placing the opponents’ cards
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: I was in the South chair and
loved my hand. I was disappointed when
my partner passed my opening bid but after East reopened with a double, I
quickly jumped to show this strong two-suiter.
Recognizing the value of her king of spades and doubleton heart, my
partner made an excellent raise to game.
With three likely defensive tricks West considered a penalty double but
finally passed.
PLAY: West led the ace of clubs followed by the ace of diamonds. He then played a low spade and dummy’s six
won the trick. Remembering East’s
takeout double I placed the heart length and the queen in his hand. So at trick four I played the nine of hearts
and was not surprised when it won. I
cashed the king of spades followed by another heart to my jack. Next, I led the ace of spades and conceded a
trick to the queen.
East regretted not
passing out the hand at one spade.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny