with Larry Matheny
Bridge players love
to bid slams but some lack the tools that allow them to get to the optimum
contract. Here is a well bid grand slam.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
*Game forcing |
BIDDING: North was surprised and
delighted when his partner made a game-forcing diamond bid. North was immediately thinking slam,
perhaps even a grand slam. Concerned
about two losing hearts, North simply raised diamonds. South cooperated by cue bidding hearts and
North jumped to 4NT to ask about keycards (4 aces + king of diamonds). South admitted to three keycards and North
continued with 5NT to ask about kings.
South showed the king of clubs and North could not contain himself and
leaped to the grand slam in notrump.
PLAY: West led a spade and declarer quickly claimed thirteen tricks. Most pairs stopped in a small slam so this
N/S pair earned a good result for their solid bidding. Their 2/1 bidding system allowed them to make
forcing bids without having to jump and lose valuable bidding space.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny