with Larry Matheny
Most duplicate
players know what a “fix” is. This
describes receiving a bad result for doing nothing wrong. The usual cause is simply playing the hand
against the wrong players.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: In third seat East made a heart
preempt and South bid 3NT. His heart stopper was “iffy” but he felt this bid
best described his hand.
PLAY: West led the 4 of hearts won with dummy’s ace. Declarer was confident that East would not
preempt with such a good heart suit and the ace of spades so the contract
seemed safe. He cashed the top two
diamonds followed by a third one when East discarded a heart. It was now a simple matter to knock out the
ace of spades and claim eleven tricks.
What does this have to
do with a fix? I was East and in a local
game only one other N/S pair reached 3NT.
I was rewarded with ½ matchpoint for making what seemed like a normal bid.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny