with Larry Matheny
It’s always fun to
execute a squeeze and this hand was particularly sweet. I had squeezed my good friend the day before
and as he sat down he smiled and mentioned that hand. We had a routine hand and then we took out
these cards.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: In third seat East made a bold
heart preempt. I was South and
overcalled in diamonds hoping we weren’t missing 3NT. My partner raised me to game.
PLAY: West led the 7 of hearts and East cashed the first two tricks. He continued with a third round and I ruffed
high as West discarded the 8 of spades.
Since East held the top three heart cards it was likely that most if not
all of the missing honors were in the West hand. This was a very easy hand to play. I simply cashed the ace of spades followed by
six rounds of diamonds. My friend who
was squeezed yesterday was in the West chair and when I played the last diamond
this was the ending:
Poor West could not
keep the king of spades and three clubs and had to concede. A spade lead at trick one or after winning
the first heart would have broken up the squeeze. West smiled as he left but I’m not sure he
meant it.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny