with Larry Matheny
Every now and then I run into a crazy hand. Here is one I watched via on-line bridge and
I couldn’t believe the auction.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: North couldn’t believe he saw a
spade bid on his right but with such a huge hand he made a takeout double. East held NINE hearts with very little else
and made a weak jump bid. South held seven
diamonds but decided to stay out of the fray.
For some reason West rebid spades even though he held great heart
support. North doubled again and South
finally came alive. Poor frustrated
North didn’t know who to believe but carried on to the slam.
PLAY: West led the king of hearts and South discarded a club from
dummy. At trick two declarer played a
diamond and was delighted to see the king appear on his left. With 12 tricks a certainly, declarer turned
his attention to the overtrick. He felt
confident he could take the spade finesse in order to discard two clubs from
his hand but he saw a better solution.
He cashed the ace-king of clubs followed by the rest of his
diamonds. In the 3-card ending, West
could not protect the black queens and soon gave up.
I exited that game and
decided to find another table that might be a little less exciting.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny