with Larry Matheny
Matchpoint events are difficult and usually won by players who fight and
scratch for every possible trick. Here
is a hand where the play for an overtrick was obscure but possible.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: North’s 3
bid showed a limit raise of spades and South continued to game.
PLAY: West led the king of diamonds and declarer stopped to analyze the
hand. It appeared he had to lose one
diamond and two clubs. Since this was a
pairs event, he looked for an overtrick.
He ruffed the second diamond, played the king of spades followed by the
KQ of hearts. He then cashed the ace of
clubs (important) and went to the ace of spades drawing trumps. Now he cashed the ace of hearts discarding a
club and was delighted to see the jack fall.
He discarded another club on the ten of hearts and then led a low
club. West won the king but with no more
clubs, had to lead a diamond allowing declarer to discard dummy’s last club and
ruff in his hand. Making five was a good
matchpoint result.
Note the early play of
the ace of clubs made it more difficult for West to see the end-play coming and
unblock the king.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny