with Larry Matheny
The aces and kings usually hog the spotlight but in this hand a lowly
four won the day.
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: North’s 3
bid was a constructive heart raise showing 7-9 points and 4 hearts. South continued on to game.
PLAY: With no attractive lead, West finally chose the jack of clubs and East
encouraged with the nine. Declarer saw
five possible losers: 1 heart, 2 diamonds, and 2 clubs. One loser could be discarded on the third
spade so declarer hoped for a favorable heart break. However, on the second round of hearts, East
showed out but erred by discarding a low spade.
Declarer next played four rounds of spades discarding two diamonds. The four of spades was his tenth trick.
There is a good
defensive rule of keeping the same length as the hand on your right. This hand shows why that is so important.
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny