with Larry Matheny
Dreams can be pleasant or they can be nightmares. After an excellent dinner of lobster and
perhaps too much wine, I finished reading one of Victor Mollo’s excellent books
about his menagerie friends. I dozed off
thinking how marvelous but unbelievable his stories were. But as I slept this hand appeared…
Matchpoints (Pairs)
BIDDING: South was the local expert who
considered it his duty to help the new players.
North wasn’t sure what to bid over 3
but finally decided to show his ace of spades.
Later North took a preference to diamonds and the expert confidently bid
the slam.
PLAY: The novice in the West chair had no idea what to lead. He sat there for the longest time with
perspiration falling from his forehead.
Finally, the expert leaned over and with a smirk said “Just try the
fourth one from your left thumb”. The
expert smiled at his audience and a relieved West obliged by selecting that
card. It was the king of spades and try
as he might, the expert could no longer make the contract. The king of spades was the only lead to beat
the contract.
I woke suddenly and
wondered if perhaps Mr. Mollo had the same type of dreams. Or could it have been the lobster, or the
wine, or…
Copyright ©2011 Larry Matheny