with Larry Matheny
The honor cards receive most of the headlines but in this hand
the lowly deuce and eight played important roles.
Scoring: Matchpoints (Pairs)
3 Pass *negative |
BIDDING: With diamonds bid on his left, North discounted
his queen in that suit and made a simple raise.
However, on the next round he did accept his partner’s help suit game
try in clubs. The vulnerability kept E-W
from competing higher in diamonds.
PLAY: West led the jack of diamonds and declarer
stopped to analyze the hand. The auction
made it likely the heart king was off-side and placed East with the missing
club honors and the king of spades.
Declarer won the ace of diamonds discarding a low heart. He then led the jack of spade and was
disappointed when West discarded a diamond.
Declarer continued with a spade to his eight. He needed an entry to dummy in order to
repeat the spade finesse and East was determined to prevent it. Declarer led the jack of clubs overtaking
with the king. Forced to win, East exited
with his heart. Declarer won with the
ace and played the nine of clubs overtaking with dummy’s ten. Again, East had to win and with no good exit
finally selected the king of diamonds.
South ruffed and led the deuce of clubs to dummy’s eight. He was now able to lead a third spade and capture
East’s king. Declarer still had one
trump in his hand and merely had to concede a trick to the king of hearts.
©2011 Larry Matheny