with Larry Matheny
When declaring a hand and
your first line of play fails, it helps to have a backup plan. Here is a hand where the declarer lost an
important finesse but found another way to succeed.
Scoring: Matchpoints
BIDDING: South’s
strength was concentrated in the major suits but 2NT was the best
description. North did the math and bid
the slam.
PLAY: West led a heart and declarer quickly saw she
needed to attack the club suit. She won
the jack of hearts and led a low club to her jack losing to the queen. She won the heart continuation and tested the
clubs with the A-K. After receiving the
bad news, she cashed her last two heart tricks discarding a diamond from dummy. Needing the diamond finesse, she led to the
queen and was happy when that won. Now,
she played the ace of diamonds and East was in trouble. Here was the end position:
97 A 86
When the ace of diamonds was played, East had
to discard a spade and keep his club guard so the three of spades became
declarer’s 12th trick.
Copyright ©2011 Larry