with Larry Matheny
Everyone loves to bid
slams. You have to be very careful when
attempting a grand slam because if it fails, you may find your opponents
stopped in six or perhaps in game. This
pair was able to confidently bid a grand because of their cue-bidding
Scoring: Matchpoints
3 Pass 4 Pass 5 Pass Pass Pass |
BIDDING: South’s rebid
of 2
was a reverse showing 17+ points. North’s
raise showed extra values and South next cue bid clubs. North’s diamond cue bid showed one of the top
three honors so South bid 4NT, Roman Keycard Blackwood. The diamond response showed three of the five
keycards (4 aces + heart king) and South bid the grand slam.
PLAY: West led a heart and thirteen tricks were
easily found. This hand was won in the
Copyright ©2011 Larry