with Larry Matheny
Most bridge players prefer
to declare but defense can also be fun.
Here is a hand where E/W were delighted to defend.
Scoring: Matchpoints
Pass |
BIDDING: This N/S pair
uses a Big Club system so they open other hands very light. They should have paid more attention to the
vulnerability on this one.
PLAY: West led the king of hearts and the defense
was fast and deadly. East overtook the
king with his ace and cashed the ace of diamonds. Next, he led a heart back to his
partner. West continued with the deuce
of diamonds for his partner to ruff. The deuce
asked for the return of the lower side-suit so East next led a club. West won the ace and gave East a second
diamond ruff. This meant down three and
+800 for E/W.
the vulnerability, North suggested his partner should have his eyes tested for
possible color blindness. South’s reply
was unintelligible.
Copyright ©2011 Larry